Sunday, April 18, 2010

Profile Pitch (Week 4)

For my profile piece, I am writing about Amy Rodgers, an English professor at Kalamazoo College. She is a new professor this year—teaching Shakespeare and film.
My story on Amy is going to focus on her switch between her ballet days to her teaching career. She was a ballerina at the Joffery Ballet, and then went back to school for English and teaching. I am going to focusing on why she made the switch. She is a lively Shakespeare teacher, and I would like to research what kind of dancer she was—just as lively and vibrant? Completely different? English and writing are an art form, as is ballet dancing—I will find out how they conflicted and complimented each other.
I have personal access to Amy Rodgers for she is a professor at Kalamazoo College. I would like to research her time at the Joffery Ballet through her perspective. I have already talked to her and she has agreed to let me write this piece. I will also interview students and professors to see what they think of her and her teaching. She is currently teaching a film class so I can get a media student’s perspective as well as a Shakespeare-concentrator’s perspective.
I am the right person to right this story because I have two of the same interests as Amy—writing and dance. I wrote my entire creative non-fiction SIP on dance and ballet so I relate to her with the art of both movement and writing. I have been dancing for most of my life—and writing about it is one of the things I do best. I’ve also been interested in writing and English for all of college. Because of these things, I can focus on both aspects of Amy’s life in a deeper way.


  1. As I was reading your profile pitch I was thinking that you were such a good candidate to write about Amy Rodgers because of your interest in both writing and dance. The two are an interesting mix, and I really think you will be able to bring something to this piece with your similarities to Amy. In general interviewing any one person can be extremely difficult. That is, it is going to be hard to peel away the onion peels and get to Amy's core- where she will reveal to you things as she would to a good friend. While I am assuming you do not currently have Amy Rodgers as a professor, I still think it will be a challenge to break through the "cordial barrier" that inevitably exists between students and their professors. However, it is possible, and I have faith that you are the person to write a good profile of this woman. Good luck, I will be looking forward to reading the finished product!

  2. I think Amy is a really great subject--I've never had her in class or even had a conversation with her, but I saw her read at the English Dept. reading and she fascinated me. There's really a lot there, I think, so I think you'll have a lot of fun digging into her.
